Sunday, November 8, 2009

Rihanna and Nokia

In an article from Brandweek, I read about the ad campaign for the new Nokia X6 phone known as the "Nokia Play 2010" campaign. Nokia will be teaming with Rihanna to promote their new product, as well as Rihanna's new album "Rated R".

The Nokia X6 phone is described as "an entertainment device ideal for playing music and video, as well as its pay-per-track Nokia Music Stores and unlimited Comes With Music service". The partnership consists of exclusive content from Rihanna, as well as a live streaming concert. An exclusive version of "Rated R" containing a bonus track, a remix, and a Rihanna mobile application will be available to X6 users.

Nokia will also be streaming videos of the performance taken by attendees who record the concert on their X6 devices, creating an opportunity for other X6 users to enjoy the live music experience from their homes.

Nokia claims that the Nokia Play 2010 will continue to run for a while, opening up chances for other artists to be featured at different times. This program sounds like an efficient way of marketing two products at once. By being a part of this campaign, artists gain the benefit of Nokia's marketing, as well as exposure in new technologies and forms. I believe that this campaign could go a long way in bringing some positive attention any artists that decide to associate themselves with it. By kicking off the campaign with Rihanna, Nokia shows the intent to make a big impact with the artists they team with.

Article here

-Bill Ross

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