Friday, December 4, 2009

Myspace music UK launches

After months of Rumors, myspace music has officially launched for the United Kingdom. The commercial for the launch hails myspace music as "the definitive online music experience", but it seems half of the articles on hypebot, and similar sites have been about the death of myspace lately.
I think that the developers at myspace have developed the closest thing to the full package, when it comes to online presence for bands, but with are so many other social networking platforms out now, myspace has gotten lost in the shuffle. With a fresh launch in a huge music market, myspace could really improve its traffic, with the right marketing strategy. I thin the first ad does a real good job at promoting it, if they continue with strong marketing effort behind the launch, it could turn things around for myspace.

-Eric Hart

1 comment:

  1. yea, myspace has kind of died a little. i think as a social networking site amongst friends its not as popular....however, as a music site, i feel like its still strong. myspace is still used as the go to website for most artists.

    one thing i noticed in that video which i didnt know of, was the statistic page on an artists dashboard to find out demographics of their viewers/fans. i think thats a cool option that i dont believe any other site offers. it is very beneficial to an artist to know those stats.

