Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Hope in Haiti" shatters digital only records

Is it currently possible to sell 600,000 digital albums in only one week? What about 600,000 sales of an album that is a download only release.

"Hope in Haiti" sold 175,000 digital downloads in its first two days on the market. Although it may not sell 600,000 in 7 days, if it continues to average 87,500 sales per day it will sell 612,500 in one week (although that probably won't happen).

In case you aren't keen on opening weeks, 175,000 digital sales alone is a record breaker. 600,000 would be unheard of for the gloomy music business of 2010.

Apparently George Clooney saw to it that 100% of the income for "Hope in Haiti" goes to help (obviously) victims in Haiti.

If I wanted any of the tracks on the album, I would actually buy this one. Buying musiProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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.. imagine that.

- Ian Gollahon (



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