Friday, May 14, 2010
Archer donates money to bring relief to Nashville after flood
State Farm helps out OK GO!
Why Justin Bieber? tries to fit in.
Expert Marketing or is Atlantic really poor?
RIAA beats LimeWire
LoKast Social Music Application?
Press, Pause, Play
will Recovery be a resurrection?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
One last post about EMI (because this is my last post)
2009-2010 was a rough time for EMI despite it's "winning streak" of hits. They have a massive debt to pay Citibank and merger or bankruptsy have seemed to be more likely than EMI paying it back.
Fortunatly for EMI, they got some investers in the nick of time and bought themselves another year. Are they out of the woods? Not a chance, these guys live in the woods at this point. Now the question is, who is most likely going to buy EMI? Fingers are pointing to Warner Music CEO Edgar Bronfman Jr. as the most likely candidate, but rumor is, he is going to wait until the price comes down a little further. Perhaps until they are about to go bankrupt next year? For more, read on hypebot.
- Ian Gollahon
Monday, May 10, 2010
Maniac's Singing Heads
There are four heads, and the one that is singing lights up. The ones that aren't singing are looking around, moving their mouths like they are singing a different song or talking to each other.
It's pretty amusing, and gives you something fun to look at while you listen to the new songs.
Then, right below where you are watching, you can find links to the band's facebook, youtube channel, and twitter. You can also click a link to join the mailing list. When you click on any of these, they open up in a new window, so your music and singing heads aren't interrupted.
I thought it was a pretty cool way of marketing your songs. I know I told all my friends about the singing heads, and I'm telling you all now, so their idea might be working.
--- Ashley Snider
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Bob Baker: Giving Music Consumers These 3 Choices Leads to More Revenue
Saturday, May 8, 2010
MySpace Loses $150 Million Dollars.......

Yes, according to Hypebot MySpace has been losing money with a reported $150 million dollars lost this past quarter, along with the $88 million dollars they lost last year. This news final clears up some of the mixed reports released from NewsCorp. to their investors earlier this week. Also, an earlier post on Hypebot showed a graph put together by NielsonWire Research Group which confirmed that MySpace has been losing unique page visits since 2008 in comparison to Facebook. So, what does this mean for the standpoint of music marketing? Well it shows that there’s a change happening where possible fans are now at on social networks, and with music sites like ReverbNation creating widget tools to easily embed music into Facebook fan pages. I predict within the next few years that the idea of creating a MySpace music page to place your bands music will not be as appealing as creating a Fanbage on Facebook. The easy tools Facebook offers to share content with larger audiences will continue to increase as the years go on, but only time will tell.
Submitted by: Jarvis R. Smith
Friday, May 7, 2010
Has Apple gone rotten?
Many of us are children of the indie rock movement (don’t care if you don’t want to be labeled that, your fondness of that one non-indie thing is not going to keep me or anyone else from stereotyping you). Our niche identifies with a sort of anti-consumerism or counter-consumerism that is probably just sub-consumerism. I mean of course, that we don’t like to eat at McDonalds or shop at Wal-Mart because, when it comes down to it, we are just too indie-rock. A candy bar (or more likely some vintage candy that you eat ironically) is probably not any healthier or less chemically then a side of McDonald's fries, but many of us would take the candy bar just out of principle (that and McDonald's smells like a toxic waste dump). For better or worse, most anyone who owns an Animal Collective CD has a sort of consumer conscious that we tend to take more seriously than mainstream culture.
That said, we come to my point – Apple. When ABC has a story “Has Apple Lost it’s Cool?” the answer (for me) is undoubtedly yes. As briefly discussed in the video, Apple can be a bully when it comes to market share. They’ve shown us that they aren’t afraid to sue everyone or illegally raid your house for the iPhone 4G. In fact, they are starting to make Microsoft look like a softy. Have we all forgotten we didn’t want Microsoft to be anti-competitive? Why are there no Apple anti-trust cases? In my opinion, it’s because they slap the words green and sexy on everything they do. Apple: green and sexy. Bill Gates: bad. Ever heard of marketing? Ever think your just buying the image Apple is selling?
Although I think this video is overwhelmingly bias on Apple’s side (I mean they interview a guy that has Apple tattooed on his forehead with a MacBook), at least the video gives us a foreshadowing of the Apple backlash on its way. For me, it’s already here.
Stay tuned for the next ABC special – “Has MySpace lost it’s awesome?” Really ABC?
- Ian Gollahon
Thursday, May 6, 2010
WMG Offers Mixed Financial Reports, Digital Sales Up
Warner Music Group showed a loss for the quarter ending March 31st of $25 million or 17 cents per share. That amount has decreased significantly because in the same quarter last year, they had $68 million or 45 cents a share loss. Their overall revenue fell 1.3% to $662 million with rising digital sales contributing to their improving numbers. Other improvements are that digital sales reached $199 million or 30% of total revenue which is up 8% from the previous quarter and up 15% from $173 million in the prior-year quarter. In addition, operating income grew 60% to $24 million compared to $15 million in the prior-year quarter.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Hip-Hop's "Independent" Business Model
Monday, May 3, 2010
Buy a Ticket, Get an Album
This is being provided by Live Nation, who said that with the merge with Ticketmaster, they would like to be able to do more cross promotion like this.
This makes sense to reel in some excited fans and make them even more excited by the fact that this new album (the first in five years) is being handed to them on top of their ticket to see Tom Petty live. Plus, with fewer people interested in buying music, but many still interested in concerts, it seems like a good idea and a fair trade.
But it is Tom Petty. And his concert tickets probably don't cost $15. So, I'd say this is a loss that Tom Petty can take. I still think it may be a good idea for bands to do, even if it is just a few free songs, because that can make the difference between a fan buying a ticket and not buying one. If you add a little extra, it definitely makes it more appealing.
--Ashley Snider
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Breakthrough for Ad Supported Music
The company states that one million plays on we7 generates payments to the music industry of between $3,100 and $6,200. These payouts “dwarf previously reported competitive models, especially revenue share models which shift the risk to the artists and songwriters.”
There is a long list of companies, Lala among them, that have failed to make ad supported music profitable. So what makes we7 different? Part of it might be their model of controlled growth, but a larger part of it could definitely be that record labels that given it reasonable terms and time to experiment.
Simon Wheeler, Director of Digital at Beggars Group, says “with the emergence of new digital models, it is important that they are given opportunity to develop and grow, but with a clear understanding that music has a value which needs to be recognized and paid for.” The CEO of we7, Steve Purdham, agrees “music has never been a ‘freemium’ model – they key going forward is protecting the value of music with smart economic delivery.”
If we7 can maintain its profitability, it could be a breakthrough for ad supported music and it would mean that the music on-demand ad-funded model can work – it just needed time to find which variation worked best.
-Emilia Segatti
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Bye, Bye Lala. Hello Cloud?
Submitted by: Jarvis R. Smith