Monday, May 10, 2010

Maniac's Singing Heads

The band Maniac have been telling fans they'd be releasing their music very soon, and they just did today. They take you to their web site, but you don't just go there and stream the songs. Do you ever go to a site to stream the songs, and then find you have nothing else to really look at? Well, Maniac solves this problem by making a little video that goes with each song. It's the guys' heads, just their heads, singing along with the songs while you listen to them.

There are four heads, and the one that is singing lights up. The ones that aren't singing are looking around, moving their mouths like they are singing a different song or talking to each other.

It's pretty amusing, and gives you something fun to look at while you listen to the new songs.

Then, right below where you are watching, you can find links to the band's facebook, youtube channel, and twitter. You can also click a link to join the mailing list. When you click on any of these, they open up in a new window, so your music and singing heads aren't interrupted.

I thought it was a pretty cool way of marketing your songs. I know I told all my friends about the singing heads, and I'm telling you all now, so their idea might be working.

--- Ashley Snider


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