I found this article, once again on hypebot. The post cited a report credited to Alexa measurements, which showed facebooks steady increase of unique users to the page over the past year, and myspaces just as steady decline in unique users.
The long and short of it is this: myspace, despite it's huge corporate advertisers and repeated layout revamps is losing steam due to emergence of facebook and (the article doesn't state it, but I think the same could be said about) twitter. myspace used to be THE place to promote yourself as a person or as a band, but as the article shows, there may be better outlets to market your work as an artist...
I think that today's fans are used to the super personal touch that seems to be more prevalent with applications such as facebook or twitter, that combined with myspaces outdated layouts and facebooks more user friendly set-up has really hurt myspaces popularity; And as an artist who has used both facebook and myspace for promotional purposes, I can see why. In my opinion, myspace needs to do a near complete overhaul to stay relevant with today's artists/marketers.
Eric Hart
I agree I'm also an artist and the only reason I'm on myspace is because I have a music page. I think that once facebook adds more artist related apps myspace will become useless unless they do a overhaul like you suggested.