Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Promotion Through Music Videos

Brightcove and TubeMogul did a study on trends of online music video watching, and the results could help artists get viewers to watch their videos.

It was discovered that, as we could have guessed, most music videos are found through Google searches. Google is responsible for 76% of views to be exact.

If it's longevity you are looking for, your best source is Twitter. Viewers that find videos off people's tweets watch about a minute more of the video than someone who found a video through other means. If a music video or song is good enough for someone to tweet about, then there's a good chance their followers will take the time to watch it.

If you want your video to be delivered when someone searches the internet to watch it, VEVO is your source. In just one month, VEVO has had 226 million views, where label and artist websites had only 25 million. Sites such as VEVO or YouTube are good for getting hits to your video because while watching one video, a bunch of others are listed to the side that the viewer might enjoy as well. This could also be beneficial in reaching a new demographic.

Source: http://blog.brightcove.com/en/2010/04/brightcove-and-tubemogul-publish-data-trends-online-music-videos-part-new-quarterly-research-report

By Rebecca Weyhrauch

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