According to Read Write Web there’s a new trend that’s starting to happen right within our pockets, and it’s with mobile devices. In particular, mobile devices being the preferred choice for Internet access among consumers. R.W.W. stated that research shows that the average American is spending more than three hours a day on their mobile device than on their computer. So what’s driving this new obsession? Well according to R.W.W. it’s the ability to access and more effectively use social networking platforms.
Mobile devices are becoming the preferred choice for accessing social networks because it allows people to update, talk, and share the everyday happenings of their lives in real time (right at that very moment). Also, mobile devices make social networking more accessible because they have it right in their pockets, ready to go, and they don’t have to wait for lengthy loading times unlike a desktop.
This article is similar to what we talked about in class, and how it’s just as important to have a mobile app for your band as it is to have a website. Also, I think this is important to marketing music because we’re witnessing another change in the behavior patterns of how consumers consume. So if a good portion of people are downloading apps and accessing social networks from their phones. Then the way music is distributed needs to accommodate this new behavior pattern as well.
Therefore, with the rise of mobile device users I think there’s going to be a bigger demand for music applications then before. This is good because it’s going to open up the doors for new innovative ways to distribute and sell music.
Submitted by: Jarvis R. Smith
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